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  Write a report of approximately 500-words on your virtual visit to two (2) types of libraries/information units during the course.

Write a report of approximately 500-words on your virtual visit to two (2) types of libraries/information units during the course.

New York Public Library


  • Academic Libraries:

Mansueto Library (University of Chicago) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV6CAJsqWLA&utm_source=ILL&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=virtour

The report should include:

a. URL to each of the virtual tours

b. Description of the visits – approximately 50 words

c. The correlation between what you learnt and what was taught in class

d. The value of the trips to your development as a library professional.

e. Comment on the use of technology by the libraries/information units to enhance “user experience” and the delivery of authentic experience for the virtual visitor.

N.B. Provide citations for sources of information used.

The MLA 9th edition should be use with a work cited page.