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RESEARCH THE GEO-CULTURE, You are expected to be well-versed with regard to the geo-culture you chose to investigate. This means that you can provide, in YOUR OWN WORDS, a comprehensive summary of cultural elements (literature, performing  arts, gastronomy, clothing, entertainment, sports, etc.) and cultural customs (traditions, holidays, etiquette, norms for verbal communication, norms for non-verbal communication, etc.) regarding your chosen geo-culture.


(Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, & Western Sahara)


You are expected to be well-versed with regard to the geo-culture you chose to investigate. This means that you can provide, in YOUR OWN WORDS, a comprehensive summary of cultural elements (literature, performing  arts, gastronomy, clothing, entertainment, sports, etc.) and cultural customs (traditions, holidays, etiquette, norms for verbal communication, norms for non-verbal communication, etc.) regarding your chosen geo-culture. You should read any and all reliable sources regarding your chosen geo-culture that you can get your hands on. The Plaza College library is a great place to do this. Our librarian and her staff will be happy to help you locate peer-reviewed professional journal articles, and expert-written literature on the topic at hand. You should utilize Ebsco Host and/or ProQuest to acquire these sources. Professor Cirigliano would like to see, on paper, where you got your information. Therefore, you will be submitting a complete essay with in-text citations and a references page in APA format as your final report.

Depth of Discussion (Essay Outline)

Paragraph One (8-10 sentences): Introduction…. Draw Professor Cirigliano in by sharing some interesting statements about your chosen geo-culture and discuss why you decided upon that particular one.

Paragraph Two (8-10 sentences): Body #1…. With regard to the geo-culture you chose, tell me all about the cultural elements (literature, performing  arts, gastronomy, clothing, entertainment, sports, etc.). In addition, tell me all about the cultural customs (traditions, holidays, etiquette, norms for verbal communication, norms for non-verbal communication, etc.) regarding your chosen geo-culture.

Paragraph Three (8-10 sentences): Body #2…. Focus on one norm for verbal communication and one norm for non-verbal communication with regard to your geo-culture of choice. Discuss how an American medical or dental healthcare professional can manage to maintain open communication with their patient while respecting the boundaries of that patient’s geo-cultural norms.

Paragraph Four (8-10 sentences):  Conclusion…. Tie together all that you’ve mentioned regarding your research topic in some final, ending statements.

References Page…. APA Style