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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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Write a brief proposal in the form of a memo in which you propose a collection of artifacts of your choice in digital form (paintings, sculptures, literary works, works of architecture, pieces of music, works of oratory or political rhetoric, autobiographies…whatever) which, taken together, constitute a museum exhibit.

Write a brief proposal in the form of a memo in which you propose a collection of artifacts of your choice in digital form (paintings, sculptures, literary works, works of architecture, pieces of music, works of oratory or political rhetoric, autobiographies…whatever) which, taken together, constitute a museum exhibit. The artifacts may be by the same artist, or tell the same story, or illustrate the same style, or have almost anything in common that is worth our attention. My Lesson on The Judgment of Paris is a good example of such a collection. Your exhibit will be added to our digital archive of exhibits created for the course by students. Your job will be to tell the story of these artifacts as they tell their story to you, including what they include, what they DON’T include, what they state explicitly, what they imply or suggest, what is big, what is small, what is in the forefront, what is in the background, what is juxtaposed with what, what questions the artifact suggests, what answers it implies, what attitude it takes toward its subject, whose point of view it expresses, and what it symbolizes–either the entire artifact or its individual parts. In this proposal, tell me why you chose this subject and these artifacts and why you think their story is important and worth telling.